In 4th grade, students come to music for 45 minutes. Our focus this year is on learning the basic skills on the recorder. We apply the knowledge learned in the previous years to the recorder and learn about the necessity to practice individually at home. Since students in 3rd grade talk about sound during their science studies, we will have some cross-curricular activities for this unit. Some of the key concepts we learn about this year are listed here:
- Recorder
- Staff
- Treble clef
- Dynamic markings
- Tempo markings
- Standard notation symbols
- Compose
- Improvise
- Theme and Variation
- Coda
- Dal Segno (D.S.)
- Da Capo (D.C.)
- Style
- Culture
- Ballad
- Lyrics
- Sound
- Pitch
- Vibration
- Energy
- Volume