January in Music!
New Empower Hour starting on January 9th!
I'm offering a new empower hour this year that for once doesn't focus on singing, but on instrument playing. Students in 4th and 5th grade have the option to join this Empower Hour that meets on Thursday afternoons after school for 8 weeks. We focus on playing instruments like the xylophone, metallophone, glockenspiel, tubano, djembe, bongos, and rhythm instruments. We will learn a few songs as an ensemble, where different instrument groups play different parts - all at the same time! We'll also improvise and work on some sound stories. If you would like to sign up, click here. |
Best wishes for a happy 2025! May it bring you good health, joy in the little things, time with family and friends, and opportunities to experience music!
I love it when my students come up to me and share about a concert they went to, a show they saw, their favorite song on the radio, or an instrument they received. Thank you for supporting their love for music! |
December in Music!
Our Empower Hour group Spring Mills Voices was very busy in December! This group of 46 3rd-5th grade students learned eight songs in eight Mondays! Pretty amazing! They performed a beautiful concert in front of a full house at Spring Mills for their families. Everybody did an amazing job and brought a lot of joy to everyone who attended! Thank you so much for the donation of $109.45, which goes towards purchasing music for this after-school program.
Spring Mills Voices also was invited to perform at Milford High School during the Holiday Concert of the high school choirs. Our choir stole the show with their beautiful voices, their amazing soloists, their poise and great behavior. It was a wonderful evening that I'll remember for a long time. |
2nd graders played along to their Do Re Mi songs with boomwhackers this month and had to work as a class to put themselves in the correct order. We also continued to explore songs from the Nutcracker. 2nd graders also got to use the horses, but their task was a little bit more difficult. The red horses only were allowed to trot to a specific part in the music, the brown horses galloped to a different part in the music. And then there was a third groups of students, who played maracas and rhythm sticks to another part in the music. This was already in preparation for 3rd grade, when we discuss the rondo form. Lots of learning while having fun!
3rd graders do an intensive study of different songs of the Nutcracker ballet. We analyze the form and use various tools to make the form visible. One of the forms we focus on in 3rd grade is the Rondo form, where one part in the music repeats with different parts sprinkled in between. We worked on that with the super stretchy and plastic plates in three different colors. We also learned a ribbon streamer choreography to the Russian dance (Trepak) and did a mirror movement activity to the Arabian dance. I love teaching this unit in 3rd grade!
4th graders continued to work on the recorder and many students passed the white belt. We test for the white belt and bead row by row in class, but after that, recorder karate testing will be much more individualized. Students will work at their own pace. If they practice often at home, they will of course get further and will be able to test for more songs in the next months. We also played boomwhackers and some other instruments in December.
5th graders participated in the Highland Tree Lighting in the beginning of December! They sang one song by themselves (Christmas tree, what will you be?) and one song together with the 5th grade students from Highland Elementary (Nice, nice Christmas). Then they lead everybody in a sing-along. It was a very well attended event and it was fun to sing together.
In December, they also played some boomwhackers and learned to play along to Trepak with different instrument groups. |
November in Music!
The month of November was all about the recorders for our 4th graders! We finally got started! Students were so excited to finally get to play. They quickly realized that it does take patience and practice to get better at playing an instrument. It is really fun to watch them grow and to see light bulbs going off - connecting note names to fingers.
October in Music!
Halloween Week was so much fun! I brought out the black lights and all the classes got to do some glow-in-the-dark activities! From glow-in-the-dark rhythm sticks and light up sticks, to glow-in-the-dark cups, following a glow-in-the-dark spider string, singing spider songs with spiders, passing the witch's broomstick - everyone had a lot of fun!
2nd graders worked on drawing notes and learning their names. They also enjoyed singing “Pumpkin, pumpkin” and do a circle game with it. We also added an accompaniment with instruments to “Pass the pumpkin round” song. Their favorite song was probably “Whacky Halloween”. We continue to work with Mr. Red and Mr. Blue to learn “Are You Sleeping” in English, French, Spanish, German, Polish, and Chinese.
Stations Week: We used our black lights from last year for a glow-in-the-dark rhythm activity! So much fun! Other stations focused on some candy rhythms, playing songs on the rainbow glockenspiel, practicing how to draw a treble clef (3rd), playing Hot Cross Buns on xylophones (4th), and accompanying "The Ghost of John" in small groups (5th).
September in Music!
In Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten, we used September to explore different kinds of shakers. We played egg shakers, maracas, and fruit and veggie shakers. We learned to remember our spots that we sit on, how to get into a circle, how to line up, and how to stop playing when my hand goes up. We sang songs and are working on recognizing if we're using a singing voice or a speaking voice (or a whisper or a shouting voice). I won't be able to share many pictures of Kindergarten this year, because all classes have about half of the students that cannot be pictured online. I will sometimes share more pictures on Seesaw or ClassDojo.
2nd graders really enjoyed starting off the year with the song "Up the ladder". They also spent some time on the song "BINGO", adding cards with letters, to eventually switching to various instruments. I also introduced the first solfege syllables and we started working on "Are you sleeping" in different languages.
3rd through 5th graders will work with a weekly "theme" this year. We will rotate through "Music Games", "Instruments", "Music Stations", "Movement", and "?" - a catch-all for random activities. Students see posted outside of the room, what we're working on. It doesn't mean that we only do musical games or only instruments and no singing, but our focus of that lesson will be the "theme".
Welcome to Music Class!
The room is ready for the new school year, and I am excited to start! I am even more excited that I will only be at Spring Mills this year! In all these years of teaching, I have always traveled between buildings, and this is the first time that I get to be at only one building!
We have a new friend, Sharkbait, who will be helping with making sure our students stay focused. |
3rd-5th graders will walk into the music room to the sound of a different instrument each time they come to music. This will expose them to lots of instruments, their sound, and what they look like.
All grades will work together to create a mosaic masterpiece! Whenever I catch somebody being on task, giving a great answer (right or wrong!), being helpful and kind, being a leader, I may put a little sticker on their shoulder. At the end of class, everybody with a sticker gets to put a mosaic sticker on our picture outside the music room. Let's see how long it will take us to figure out what it is!
Congratulations to our winning class: Mrs. Sheldon's 4th grade!
Mrs. Sheldon's class was the winning class of our year-round competition between the classes. They got the most stickers, closely followed by Mrs. Popadince's 2nd graders and Mrs. McGraw's 1st graders. Mrs. Sheldon's class got cookies and cupcakes and celebrated on the last day of school. Great job everyone!
Recorder Karate Stars
Congratulations to our Recorder Black Belts:
Maddy King Addie Webster Freya Oltesvig Teya LaPratt Xavier Olszewski What an amazing achievement!! Bravo! And Freya Oltesvig even passed the Silver and Gold Belts! She worked very hard for these belts and sent in lots of videos this year. I'm very proud of you! |
June in the Music Room!
For the last week of school, I pulled out the big parachute, all our puppets, and in 4th and 5th grade our playground balls. What a great week to finish off a wonderful year together in the music room!
Spring Mills Voices present: Pirates! The Musical
This was an exceptional group of 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders! They learned a whole musical in just eight weeks! They were such a fun group to work with - focused, talented, engaged, and kind to each other. Arrrrrrrgh!! Congratulations on two fantastic performances!
May in the Music Room!
In May, all grades worked for two weeks with the KidStix program! I love working with this program, because it engages students at every age. We focus on different skills in different grade levels, The older grades especially enjoy the play-alongs.
4th and 5th graders also played ukuleles in May! In 4th grade, we reviewed what we learned last year. We also practiced playing some of our recorder songs on the ukulele. In 5th grade, we worked on adding different chords, so that we could play along to some popular songs. There was quite a bit of jamming going on!
April in the Music Room!
5th graders started April by finishing up their Theme and Variation Unit. Their task was to choose a theme, come up with two variations on the theme, and perform it on instruments together. I watched some great group work and heard some fantastic variations!
All grades had a big focus on rhythms in April and May. In JK, K, and 1st grade, we still focus heavily on practicing to keep a steady beat. That could be with our hands, beanie babies, any kind of rhythm instruments, or drums. We also echo rhythms with the help of our puppet friends. In 1st grade, we also start reading simplified rhythm notation. In second grade, we have moved from the simplified rhythm notation to regular rhythm notation. Students are working on reading, but also notating rhythms. In 3rd through 5th grade, the rhythms get more and more complex. Students also do rhythm dictations, where they hear a rhythm and have to write it down. We practice this in lots of different ways, with popsicle sticks, cards, and white boards.
In April, our brand new desk bells arrived!! We were so excited to put them to the test right away! All grades thoroughly enjoyed the play-along videos and there was a high concentration in the room. It was so fun to watch when the students recognized a tune or started singing along. We sometimes even added some boomwhackers too!
Band and Choir come to visit Spring Mills!
Students from Oak Valley Middle School came to visit Spring Mills to show our 5th graders what they get to look forward to in 6th grade. Our 5th graders got an introduction to all the instruments and got to ask questions about middle school. They were a great attentive audience!
We also had choir students from all Huron Valley middle and high schools come visit as part of Bass Voice Day! It was so much fun to see former students and watch them perform!
DonorsChoose Project - Color Our World With Music And Joy - or Joia?!
I wasn't planning on having a DonorsChoose project this year, but when they announced in March that there was going to be a match coming up, I decided to jump in. :-) Right now, our classroom has one set of those desk bells (which can also be played on the floor) and we have only used them during "stations" time. But they are much more useful than for simple exploration. They help with solmization and playing tunes. Even my youngest students will be able to play melodies by following the colors and by pushing the button on top of the bell (instead of shaking them). Thanks to all our donors, we now have 6 sets and each student in the class can have a bell. I'm looking forward to using the bells as soon as they get here!
Glow Night!
What a night! So much fun! It was amazing to see my vision come together!
A huge Thank You to our HVEF Foundation for the grant that made this evening possible! Thank You to Ms. Erica Robinson, who came on this crazy journey with me and made amazing glowing art pieces with the students. Thank You so much to our PTA and the volunteers! We couldn’t have done it without you! Here are some pictures from the week of the glow night and from the Glow Night itself (plus a few short video snippets). Leading up to the glow night, each class got to try their routine with the black lights in the music room. I loved watching it all come to life! |
March in Music
5th graders have explored their new form “Theme and Variations” for the last few weeks. We listened and analyzed quite a few examples and even added parachute movements to one of the pieces. Their final task is to work together in groups to create their own theme and variation. I can’t wait to hear their final product in April!
February in Music
February flew by! Every grade started practicing for their glow night routine using different props:
Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten: snowballs and painted fish 1st grade: LED foam sticks 2nd grade: painted finger gloves 3rd grade: tennis balls 4th grade: finger lights and hula hoops 5th grade: light-up drum sticks |
Kindergarten students continued to work on using their singing voice, by following shapes and drawings. We even used puppets to help us with singing. They also got to know all the songs from the Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saëns. We added a lot of movements and explored how Saint-Saëns used different instruments for different animals.
2nd grade students explored the story “In the Hall of the Mountain King”. We listened to the story and to the music. We learned where the composer Edward Grieg was from. We analyzed the rhythms of the song and spoke along with ta’s and titi’s. We added movements to the song and practiced keeping the beat by throwing penalty flags to each other. The culmination was two groups performing the song at the same time, one on guiros, the other one with playground balls.
4th and 5th graders continue to work on their recorders. We practice songs in class, but it is important that students also practice their songs at home. In order to make progress, students need to practice their recorder often, but not necessarily for long. They also started working on their choreographies for the Glow Night, which are a little more tricky than the other grades...
January in Music
We started the new year 2024 with a BANG – at least, until the snow came and stopped our classes… All classes in all grades participated in two weeks of drum circle time! Students learned the names of the different kinds of drums and how to play them. They learned what it means to listen to each other and to react to each other. Some of the other activities that we did were: the rumble, rhythm echo, rhythm pass, call and response, signals, meters, sevens, orbit, and body conductor. Many students enjoy drum circles and I always discover some hidden drummer talents!

Wishing you all a
wonderful start into a
fabulous year!
Let's go, 2024!
December in Music
I love to work with songs from the Nutcracker! They lend themselves to so many movement possibilities! We get to use streamers, parachutes, candy cane horses, and even instruments to interpret the music that we’re hearing. All grades experienced at least one song this December, but 3rd grade did a very thorough study of the Nutcracker. I tried something new with 5th grade. We compared Duke Ellington’s Nutcracker with Tchaikovsky’s version. We had some interesting conversations! Great job 5th graders!
In Junior Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and 1st grade, we also sang a lot of Santa and holiday songs, played along with instruments, and got to have singing conversations with puppets.
Highland Tree Lighting
HVEF Grants for Spring Mills and Kurtz
Thank you very much to the Huron Valley Education Foundation for the two grants I received! Without the HVEF many of my projects would not be possible. I'm extremely excited to start planning a Glow Night together with Ms. Robinson for Spring Mills! And I'm just as excited to add some instruments that are color coded for my categorical students at Kurtz. Thank you.
Missoula Children's Theater Visits Huron Valley Schools!
What an amazing week we had in Huron Valley! Brianna and Lindsay from Missoula Children’s Theater spent the week in Huron Valley and visited Spring Mills, Country Oaks, Kurtz, and Oxbow Elementaries. Our students in JK through 3rd grade enjoyed an assembly that explored how to write and perform a story. Students in 4th and 5th grade had workshops in the music classroom that had to do with improvisation and acting. We sure learned a lot this week!
21 of our Spring Mills students worked super hard all week after school rehearsing the musical “The Princess and the Pea” together with students from all the other elementary schools. They learned the songs, memorized their lines, practiced choreographies, and learned a lot about being on stage. It was very impressive to see the changes from day 1 to day 5! And it was incredible to watch a show come to life in just one short week. Congratulations to all our students on a fantastic job performing two shows on Saturday for family, friends, and the community! Here are some pictures from rehearsals and the dress rehearsal.
November in Music
In November, all grades used boomwhackers at some point during the month. Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten students did a first introduction to boomwhackers with the song "Downtown", 1st grade worked on steady beat, 2nd grade played along with their solfège song, and 3rd through 5th grades played along to the song "It's Corn!".
Students in Kindergarten and 1st grade loved pretending to have a kite fly with them using scarves and ribbon scrunchies! Kindergarten students got introduced to opposites like high and low, fast and slow, loud and quiet. We got to experience those opposites in lots of different ways - with our bodies and singing voice, with the super stretchy, with the small parachutes, and on the smart board with a game. 1st graders reviewed those concepts, but also focused on steady beat vs. rhythm, and they loved singing and playing along to "The Earth is our Mother".
2nd graders focused heavily on solfège and reading rhythms in November. They learned all the solfège syllables, learned to sing the songs "Whacky Do Re Mi" and "Do Re Mi" from the Sound of Music, and practiced the order of the syllables with some card games. They also played along with boomwhackers and hand bells. It all culminated in them watching three scenes from "The Sound of Music". 3rd grade reviewed the solfège syllables, songs, and games, and did some mystery solfège song guessing games. They also learned about steps and skips and started their unit on Rondos.
4th graders received their recorders at the end of October and November was spent playing lots of recorder! In the beginning, it can be tricky to find out, how much (or better how little!) can you blow before it squeaks! This is why it is important to practice at home! In class it can sometimes be tricky to hear yourself. At home, it is much easier to hear your recorder and hear your squeaks. I'm not asking you to play 30 minutes each day, but 5 minutes each day will go a long way! Your fingers will get used to the recorder, you will realize how little air you need, and your tongue knows what to do. So far, we have learned the notes B, A, and G. Play around with them, have fun, improvise!
5th graders focused on learning their songs for the Highland Tree Lighting, learning how to play DJ Bobo on the recorder, and we built with Legos. Students had to build rhythms using Legos. They first had to build rhythms that I wrote down, then rhythms I spoke, and then rhythms I played. Afterwards, they had to come up with as many rhythms as possible using the Legos.
Veterans Day Celebration at Spring Mills
The Empower Hour "Spring Mills Voices" prepared for a concert for our Veterans during the past eight weeks. They sang a beautiful concert with patriotic songs, songs to honor our Veterans, fabulous solos, and even a flag routine! In the morning, they performed for Veterans and 3rd through 5th graders, in the evening for Veterans, families, and friends. A huge Thank You to Biggby Coffee in White Lake and in Hartland, Tim Hortons in Hartland, The Looney Baker, and Meijer for their generous donations for our small reception for our Veterans after the morning concert!